16151 Tother Road, Leo, IN 46765
47.0 acres | 1.3 miles of trails
This preserve is nature adjacent to the modern world in the form of Interstate 69, and the sound of traffic is ever-present. Yet the visitor who can ignore the traffic noise can enjoy the view of Cedar Creek from a high escarpment, as well as trails through old fields, by a marsh and across ravines. Beneath the trees, twinleaf, hepatica, Dutchman’s breeches, bloodroot and rue anemone bloom in spring, and in the wetland, wood ducks and great blue and green herons are frequently seen.

This is a State Dedicated Nature Preserve protected under the Indiana Nature Preserves Act (1967) with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Nature Preserves. ACRES was instrumental in the creation of the Nature Preserves Act.
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